
Local Training

All are welcome to take advantage of Pickleball trading at the Valley Community Center, 4444 Fuller Road, West Des Moines (south of Valley High School football stadium). Advanced registration is required as class sizes are limited. Go to and click on Pickleball to find the registration page. Lessons include Beginners (just starting out), Advanced Beginners (passed Beginners class and ready for more depth) and Intermediate (have been playing a while and want to work on advanced skills). All lessons start at Noon and end around 1:30 PM. The lessons are free and the friendly instructors are flexible and adjust to the needs and experience of the group.  

Many players attending the lessons are new to the sport while others are returning beginners.  Additionally, receive more advanced training from an experienced player as noted above.  So take advantage of this opportunity to experience the fun and comradery of Pickleball in a non-intimidating environment. You may view the material covered here.

The Fastest Growing Sport in America.

Tune into Pickleball Channel for great information and fun about this great sport.

How to Play Pickleball Videos

Warm Up Before Playing To Avoid Injury

No matter how accustomed your body is to regular exercise, warming up before each workout is still necessary to avoid injury. Warming up before each workout elevates your heart rate and increases circulation, loosening the joints and increasing blood flow to the muscles you’re about to exercise. Between five and ten minutes of cardiovascular exercise can loosen up your body and prepare it for the more grueling workout to come.

Here are 3 pickleball warm-up routines to reduce the risk of  injury during play. Pick out one that works for you

Basic Rules of Pickleball  (Used with permission from Pikes Peak Pickleball Association, who borrowed from

A complete set of rules may be obtained from the USAPA. However, if you are just learning, you might find the following condensed rules much easier to follow.

Game and Match

In tournaments, a match will usually consist of the best 2 out of 3 games to 11 points. A game is finished when one player or team reaches 11 points and is leading by at least two points. If the score is tied at 10-10, then the game continues until one player or team wins by two points. Players switch sides after the first game. If a third game is needed, the players will switch sides after the first player or team gets to 6 points, and the game will then continue to its conclusion.

For consolation events, or when time is short, matches often consist of just one game to 15 points. The winner in this format must also be ahead by two points. In a 15 point game, players should switch sides after one team gets to 8 points, and the game will then continue to its conclusion.


In pickleball, a player or team can only score points when serving Both feet must remain behind the baseline until after the ball is struck.

  • Players must announce the score prior to serving. Always call the server’s score first, opponent’s score second and then the number server you are on your team, so a 1 or a 2.
  • The serve must be made with an underhand stroke so that contact with the ball is made below waist level.  Waist is defined as the navel level.
  • Underhand Defined: The arm must be moving in an upward arc and the paddle head shall be below the wrist when it strikes the ball. The paddle head is that part of the paddle, excluding the handle.  The highest point of the paddle head cannot be above any part of the line formed where the wrist joint bends.
  • Serves must travel diagonally and land between the non-volley zone and the baseline of the service court opposite of the serving player.  If the ball lands on the kitchen line, it is considered a fault.

Each player is allowed only one serving attempt. A let serve occurs when the serve hits the net and still lands in the correct service court. If this occurs, play continues.  Each player will continue to serve until he/she does not win a point.

Serving in Doubles

  • At the start of each new game, only one player on the first serving team is allowed a service turn before giving up the ball to the opponents.  Thereafter both members of each team will have a service turn before the ball is turned over to the opposing team.
  • In doubles, the player on the right at the start of a service turn will be the first person to serve for their team and will continue to serve until he or she does not win a point.  Then his or her partner will serve until he or she does also does not win a point.  Then it is the other team’s turn to serve.
  • When the serving team scores a point, the server moves to the other side of the serving team’s court.
  • If the serve rotation is done properly in doubles, the serving team’s score will always be even when the player that started the game on the right side is on the right side and odd when that player is on the left side .

Serving in Singles

  • In singles, the server will serve from the right when he has an even number of points (0, 2, 6, 10). The server should serve from the left when he has an odd number of points (1, 3, 7, 9). The receiver should adjust position according to where the server stands.

Non-Volley Zone

To volley a ball means to hit it in the air without letting it bounce. All volleying must be done with the player’s feet behind the non-volley zone.

  • If a player’s momentum causes him/her to step on or over the non-volley line after hitting a volley a fault has been committed.
  • If a player’s paddle, clothing, hat, or any part of the body touches any part of the non-volley zone while hitting a volley or because of the forward momentum after hitting the ball they lose the rally!
  • A player may jump across the non-volley line after hitting a volley if they don’t touch any part of the non-volley zone including the lines while doing so.

Double Bounce Rule

Each team must play their first shot off the bounce.  That is, the receiving team must let the serve bounce and the serving team must let the return of the serve bounce before playing it.  After the two bounces have occurred, the ball can either be volleyed or played off the bounce.


The ball may only bounce once per side.  After the ball is hit by a player, it must travel to the other side of the net.  If the ball hits one of the sidelines or the baseline, it is a playable ball.

When a player or team fails to win the rally they are said to have made a fault.  Some, but not all of the things that cause a fault, are listed below:

  • Serving the ball into an incorrect area.
  • Hitting the ball out of bounds.
  • Volleying the ball before it has bounced once on each side.
  • Hitting the ball into the net or hitting the net with your paddle or body.
  • Hitting the ball while in the non-volley zone before it is allowed to bounce.
  • Touching the non-volley zone with your paddle or clothes while attempting to hit a volley.
  • Stepping on or over the non-volley zone line on a follow through.
  • Missing the ball when you try to hit it.
  • Server swings the paddle with the intent of hitting the ball but misses.

How to Choose a Pickleball Paddle

Health and Safety

Kids and Beginners Guide to Pickleball: And here is a guide provided by one of our youth players that provides lots of information about pickleball including additional links. Copy and paste this into your browser:


Quad Cities Pickleball Club

Des Moines Metro Pickleball Club . P.O. Box 65223 . West Des Moines. IA . 50265